A coalition of industrial businesses concerned about the economic vitality and the environmental health of the Portland Harbor, WWC was established in 2005 to create a focused and strong voice for harbor industrial public policies and issues.
What We're Involved In
The City of Portland is updating their economic opportunities analysis (EOA); a little-known state-wide planning requirement that identifies likely industrial and other economic development opportunities and corresponding employment land needs for the community. However, in this city, history has shown that this process typically results in further regulation on harbor businesses, impacting their growth. The City’s available industrial land supply is both constrained and diminishing. We are keeping close watch on the potential for additional regulation that can further restrict the harbor businesses’ operations, facility maintenance and development activities. We are participating with other interested parties, in reviewing and commenting on the City of Portland EOA documents and will have a recommendation for our members to consider once the effort wraps up.
- Renewable Fuels Standard – Technical Advisory Committee: WWC member companies have participants on this committee and other members have provided input to the committee.
- Fossil Fuel Terminal Ordinance: WWC has participated with other organizations in several challenges of this ordinance before the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals.
- Seismic Assessment and Preparedness: WWC member companies are working to comply with the requirements of Senate Bill 1567 which gave Oregon DEQ the authority to develop a program to evaluate and prepare for a major seismic event.
On Dec. 11, Portland City Council voted unanimously to adopt the Montgomery Park Area Plan (MPAP). This plan sets the stage for a new transit-oriented district in Northwest Portland west of Highway 30 between NW Vaughn Street and NW Nicolai Street. WWC worked with Columbia River Corridor Assoc.(CCA), NW Industrial Business Assoc (NIBA), and Northwest District Assoc> (NWDA) in testifying and advocating for the loss of Industrial Land and living wage jobs. We will continue to advocate for this in our work through the EOA.
City of Portland sewer, stormwater, and water utility customers will see changes to their sewer and stormwater rates, charges for connecting to the sewer, and Clean River Rewards discounts. This has a major impact on the Industrial businesses fees.